Ion Wins Inaugural Fast Track Challenge
Telling our story is hard. Of course there is a story about our revolutionary software and the change it is bringing to live event production. But then there is also a story about how we have set out to develop the world’s first Netflix® style content library for producers of live shows. And there is also a story about opportunities to create profitable new content for that library.
Smashing all of that into a five-minute pitch sounded like a great challenge, and we are always up for a challenge!
So when we heard about a new Shark-Tank like business competition in the Twin Cities that required us to pitch our company in front of a panel of five judges we said, “why not?”
On 11 October company CEO Scott Winters and CTO Dr. J. Allen went head-to-head with three other finalist companies. We delivered our new pitch and answered questions from the judges. In the end, we were awarded first place, which came with a cash prize and a bundle of professional services.
We are grateful to the folks who organized the Fast Track Challenge and to the judges for this honor. We got involved just to see if we could tell our story in a meaningful way in under five minutes; being awarded first prize is a welcome bonus.
After the competition Charles Shannon, VP at the private equity firm Equus Holdings and a Fast Track Challenge judge said it best.
“You have proven you have a viable business in an attractive market. Now you just need to grow.”
We couldn’t agree more.