Tips and Best Practices

Ion keeps a list of music titles that have been vetted for both rights clearances and commercial appeal. You can find it on our website. In the footer of any page click on Content Partners, then click on the WISH LIST button. We use several fields to rank the attractiveness of each title. In order of importance, watch for titles that are:
* Ranked Top 1%
* Recent publication date
* JWP Editor's Choice
Ask us for an introduction. In most cases we will be able to provide an email introduction to the composer whose film you want to treat with digital media. And in almost every case your overture to the composer should be received well. Invite the composer to fill you in on what they envision for the digital media. Share your ideas and let them respond. Don't take too much of their time, but let them know you want to work with them to produce the media. The more ownership the composer takes in the syncd digital media the more likely it will be that they post in on social media and talk it up to their fans. In our experience, promotion of your media by the composer is the single most reliable way to get your media to rent.
We are seeing more and more interest in projects that are multidisciplinary. This can include projects that require actors, simple set pieces, or special lighting. But the easiest addition to your project is the use of sound. The Muséik platform has eight audio channels that can be paired or separated. Each can be mixed and muted independently. This means you can embed up to eight different sound components. Things we have done in the past include:
* add the composer's backing tracks (we do this automatcially as part of our production process).
* add dialog
* add SFX
* add multiple SFX channels and the the customer decide which to turn on and which to mute